Funding Your Future

Tuition (Costs & Fees) at Broward College

你担心高等教育的高成本吗? 不要给自己太大的压力——在澳门英皇赌登入你可以不花更多的钱接受更高的教育. 有一些最经济的学费, costs, 以及南佛罗里达所有高等教育机构的费用, 澳门英皇赌登入很容易成为钱包紧、资金有限的人的最佳选择. Best of all, we offer countless financial aid and scholarship options for you. The Broward College Scholarship Application 允许学生完成一份申请,并与澳门英皇赌登入学生可获得的众多奖学金相匹配.


General Tuition & Costs

For Advanced and Professional, Postsecondary Vocational, 教育预备学院和大学预备课程

主要与AA, AAS和AS学位课程和技术证书相关的课程

Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $82.00
Student Activities Fee $8.20
Student Financial Aid Fee $4.10
Capital Improvement Fee $13.50
Library Fee $2.00
Parking Fee $4.00
Technology Fee $4.10
Total (per credit hour) $117.90

Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $82.00
Out-of-State Fee $226.40
Student Activities Fee $8.20
Student Financial Aid Fee $15.40
Capital Improvement Fee $19.60
Library Fee $2.00
Parking Fee $4.00
Technology Fee $15.40
Total (per credit hour) $373.00

Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $82.00
Student Activities Fee $8.20
Student Financial Aid Fee $4.10
Capital Improvement Fee $13.50
Library Fee $2.00
Distance Learning Fee $9.00
Technology Fee $4.10
Total (per credit hour) $122.90

Non-Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $82.00
Differential Tuition Fee $104.00
Distance Learning Fee $9.00
Student Activities Fee $8.20
Student Financial Aid Fee $9.30
Capital Improvement Fee $19.60
Library Fee $2.00
Technology Fee $9.30
Total (per credit hour) $243.40

Health Science Students

与健康科学课程相关的额外费用包括但不限于医疗/体检费用, liability insurance, a background check, a drug screening test, uniform purchases, etc. Please check with the specific Health Science program 以获取更详细的额外费用清单.


Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $73.40
Student Financial Aid Fee $3.65
Capital Improvement Fee $3.65
Technology Fee $3.65
Total (per credit hour) $84.35

Non-Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $73.40
Out-of-State Fee $209.75
Student Financial Aid Fee $14.15
Capital Improvement Fee $14.15
Technology Fee $14.15
Total (per credit hour) $325.60


Tuition Fee: $96.75
Technology Fee: $4.85
Total (per credit hour): $101.60

Baccalaureate Courses


Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $91.79
Student Activities Fee $9.18
Student Financial Aid Fee $4.59
Capital Improvement Fee $14.74
Library Fee $2.00
Parking Fee $4.00
Technology Fee $4.59
Total (per credit hour) $130.89

Non-Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $91.79
Out-of-State Fee $384.72
Student Activities Fee $9.18
Student Financial Aid Fee $23.83
Capital Improvement Fee $50.10
Library Fee $2.00
Parking Fee $4.00
Technology Fee $23.83
Total (per credit hour) $589.45

Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $91.79
Student Activities Fee $9.18
Student Financial Aid Fee $4.59
Capital Improvement Fee $14.74
Library Fee $2.00
Distance Learning Fee $9.00
Technology Fee $4.59
Total (per credit hour) $135.89

Non-Residents Amount
Tuition Fee $91.79
Differential Tuition Fee $135.00
Student Activities Fee $9.18
Student Financial Aid Fee $11.34
Capital Improvement Fee $50.10
Library Fee $2.00
Distance Learning Fee $9.00
Technology Fee $11.34
Total (per credit hour) $319.75



特殊费用在个别课程信息中显示 College Catalog.

The College, 通过继续教育和其他学术部门, offers noncredit courses, seminars, 以及旨在满足居住在澳门英皇赌登入县的所有年龄段公民需求的讲习班. 特别的小册子和公告被开发和分发,涵盖每门课程的细节. 这些文件成为官方目录的补充,并包含与每门课程相关的特殊费用和特殊收费. 这些费用是根据这些文件中规定的条款到期支付的.


三次或三次以上的高等教育课程被认为是第三次尝试。. 澳门英皇赌登入对第三次尝试的课程收取更高的学费. 第三次尝试课程的费用是使用相关系统总数的平均值计算的 佛罗里达州教育部2017年概况,表7.佛罗里达大学系统2015-16年度成本分析每学时成本.

Advanced & Professional Upper Level: 216
Advanced & Profession Lower Level: 185
Post-Secondary Vocational: 275
Developmental Education: 248
Average: 245.17

州内校园或在线学费的收费为245美元.修读三次或三次以上课程每学时17元(第三次). However, 对于修课少于或多于三次的课程,每学分的校外学费保持不变. 第三次尝试州外在线课程的学费包括每学分的州外学费,这是州内第三次尝试每学分费用与州内每学分学费总和加上每学分学费之差的差额. 因此,这些信息既适用于低级课程,也适用于高级课程. >

$245.17 – ($82.00 + $104.00) = $59.17 >>

*出于学费目的,居民身份由佛罗里达州法规1009定义.21,由注册办公室在进入学院时决定. 有资格获得新居留身份的学生可以在学期第一天之前申请变更.
> Calculation is based on the 2017 Factbook and BC tuition cost and fees for the academic year 2019-20
>> Calculation for 3rd attempt tuition reflects the out-of-state fee for a lower-level course

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